VW Applied Sciences, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, 64-73
Received: Jan. 09, 2020
Accepted: March 29, 2020
Published online: April 01, 2020
Fisal Asiri1
1Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Author Email: fasiri@taibahu.edu.sa
Research publication from M.S. Thesis, submitted at School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Abstract: The Land model encompasses modelling of the contraction of the cardiac muscle, based on the evaluation of the development of tension in cardiomyocytes in human heart muscle. The paper presents the mathematical modeling of myocyte by using the Land model, which was developed based on real experimentation. The mathematical models simulated in this project were based on the existing models in the Land model. The Land model aimed to strike a balance between modelling detail and the ability to parameterize the model using available data. We simulated different parameters presented in the Land model to establish the behavior of the tension developed in the cardiac myocytes of the human heart. The model was verified with extensive experimental data on the effects of various parameters such as calcium, Tref on the tension developed in the myocyte cells at physiological room temperature. Several models for cardiac myocyte contraction have been developed to date, although earlier models did not include sarcomere shortening during twitch. They were primarily focused on simplification of the description of crossbridge kinetics, their dependence on Ca2+ dynamics, and careful reproduction of the existing experimental data on steady-state and dynamic force-calcium relationships.