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Implementation of DQPSK based Transmitter on the digital signal processor

VW Engineering International, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 04-11

Received: Sept. 01, 2019
Accepted: Sept. 21, 2019
Published online: Sept. 23, 2019

Shahzad Ahmed1
Syed Wahaj ul Haq2
Tehseen Sattar2
Waseem Khan2*

1Department of electronics and computer engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
2Department of electrical engineering, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan,
*Corresponding author email:

Abstract: In recent times, the implementation of digital systems on short-scale embedded platforms is gaining the interest of the research community. However, the absence of an implementation strategy is turning out to be a bottleneck. This paper presents a methodology for the digital signal processor (DSP) based implementation of the communication system with Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (D-QPSK) as the band-pass modulation scheme. Most of the functional blocks of the standard transmitters are implemented including signal encoding, baseband pulse shaping, and modulation. The symbols are transmitted over a wired channel in the presence of noise. For encoding the input data, Non-return-to-zero encoding scheme is implemented and for pulse shaping, raised cosine pulse shape is implemented. An optimized strategy to implement basic blocks of communication systems using embedded hardware is also presented. The transmitter is finally implemented on a commercial Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Results have shown that the DQPSK based transmitter can be implemented on short-scale platforms such as DSP systems.


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