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Modelling and Analysis of Defected Ground Structured Microstrip Antennas for S-Band and Satellite Communication Applications

Abstract: Focus on Basic introduction to antenna and its parameters and their overview.Focuses on Literature review regarding multiband, wideband as well as ultrawideband and ultrawideband notched antennas. The focus on design and analysis of multiband antenna. To obtain multiband characteristics the patch of the antenna and the ground is slotted with spiral shaped ring. Due to that ring the antenna is getting multiband characteristics. The proposed antenna designed using ANSYS HFSS and etched on a FR4 Substrate. The designed antenna works in the band of WIFI and X-band applications. Though the model has obtained multiband characteristics multiband antenna has its effects on gain and efficiency the gain is low on lower bands and high at higher bands is observed.the focus on design and analysis of wideband antenna. To obtain wideband characteristics the patch of the antenna is taken triangular and the ground is closed to the structure. The antenna works up to 7.6GHz covering all the commercial bands from 2GHZ and the proposed antenna designed using ANSYS HFSS and etched on a FR4 Substrate. The designed antenna works in the band of WIFI and X-band applications. The model is having low gain at lower bands and high radiation efficiency at the higher bands is observed.The Final work focused on design and analysis of ultrawideband Notched antenna. To obtain ultrawideband characteristics the patch of the antenna is taken rectangular and it is added with T shaped stub and ground is enclosed with a rectangular ring which is enclosed both sides of the feedline. Due to that ring the antenna is getting enhanced gain and efficiency characteristics. The proposed antenna designed using ANSYS HFSS and etched on a FR4 Substrate. The designed antenna Gets notched in WiMAX(3.5GHz) and 4.8-6GHz bands which intern takes most of the working in the ultrawideband region. This modal works in almost all commercial wireless applications and with gain efficient at that bands is observed.

Keywords: Defected Ground Structured; Microstrip Antennas; Satellite Communication

VW Engineering International, Volume: 5, Issue: 3, 129-147

Received: Nov. 15, 2023
Accepted: Dec. 19, 2023
Published online: Dec. 19, 2023

Khalid Jalal Bhat*, Lakhvir Kuar, Pooja Sharma

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Doaba Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mohali, Punjab 147301, India


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