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Passive Retrofit Strategies as an Intervention in Building Efficiency in Winter Season

VW Applied Sciences, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, 130-145

Received: June 10, 2022
Accepted: July 02, 2022
Published online: July 07, 2022

Navneet Sharma 1*, Tabish Alam 2

1Institute of Environmental Studies, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 136119, India

2Building Energy Efficiency, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee 247667, India

Abstract:  In this work, a small office building located in Roorkee (29° 52ʹ 29.48ʺ N, latitude & 77° 53ʹ 23.73ʺ E, longitude), India, has been simulated to calculate the heating load in the winter season. The office building has a net floor area of 13.14 m2, an air-conditioned volume of 39.4,2 m3, and a total window area of 12.79 m2, the proportion of windows to walls is forty-five percent on SW and SE facades, leading to high heating demands in the winter period. The computer simulation for the reduction of the building heating demand has been carried out in Design Builder software. Five different passive strategies have been implemented to reduce the building heating demand. These passive cooling techniques include retrofit techniques such as glazing, roof, wall thermal insulation, reflective coating, and windows frame. It has been found that the building’s annual heating demand of 450 kWh in the base case (without retrofit) has been reduced by 75%-85% with the application of improved glazing, roof, wall thermal insulation, reflective coatings, and improved window frames. The net savings in this analysis refer to the energy savings. The savings are calculated over a 5-month period, from November to March. Total electric units of 352 can be saved over the course of five months. Also, CO2 emissions during the winter period can reduce by 718 kg by implementing these strategies per winter season.

Keywords:  Retrofit Strategies, Building Envelope, Glazing, Insulation, Passive


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